South Moreton Primary School

British Values at SMS

At South Moreton, British Values are embedded within our whole-school commitment to Global Citizenship. Children learn about British Values through the acronym I Really Do Matter:

Individual Liberty

Rule of Law


Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Children learn about British Values across the broad curriculum, within assemblies and through whole-school events e.g. making choices, signing up to their class rules and knowling those across the school, election of School Councillors, pupil survey and multicultural learning (such as Taiko drumming!)

In assemblies each week we reflect on valuable and thought-provoking questions raised through current affairs. We believe that this enables children to develop skills as thoughtful, well-informed global citizens. Each news story is grounded in British Values. An example is below, and our latest questions are available in the parent presentations part of the website and in our weekly newsletter. 

We encourage parents to use the weekly assembly themes and related questions to continue the conversations at home, and to explore the themes presented in further detail. Here is an example of what we might cover in assemblies:

McDonald's is being called on to stop its introduction of paper straws in the UK, amidst claims that they dissolve in drinks. The restaurant is switching from plastic to paper straws at all of their 1,361 restaurants after customer pressure. An online petition calling for a return to plastic straws has so far gathered more than 40,000 signatures. McDonald's have said they are "doing the right thing" while some customers feel that their needs should be considered.

Things to talk about at home…

  • Do you think people should be complaining about the paper straws not being as good as the plastic ones? Why?
  • Can you think of any everyday items that we throwaway when perhaps they could be reused?