South Moreton Primary School

Global Citizenship at South Moreton

Global Citizenship is a key strand of our South Moreton vision. As a small village school, we are keen that our children grow to take their place as truly global citizens when they leave us. We support children to develop their voice and opinions and use them respectfully to contribute to real-world issues.

Our assembly programme is strongly focused on supporting children to be reflective and considerate of the world and the people around them. We use two key platforms to bring this teaching to life:

Picture News

Our Picture News programme supports pupils to examine current affairs, We are very proud of how the children learn to put forward their thoughts and solutions to complicated global issues. British Values are embedded within each assembly and discussed each week in relation to the news story coverage. An example of coverage each half term is below:

primary picture news coverage document england autumn 1 2023.pdf



The Lyfta programme provides an immersive learning platform, where children experience the lives of real people through interactive 360° spaces and captivating short films. Our pupils delve into the lives of people across the globe, developing knowledge and appreciation of contexts different to their own. 

/Lyfta's immersive learning platform. Experience the lives of real people through interactive 360° spaces and captivating short films in primary and secondary schools.