South Moreton Primary School

School uniform

South Moreton School has a uniform which the children are expected to wear at school and for school trips, unless they are informed otherwise. ** All clothing items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name**


  • Dark green polo shirt (with collar) with school logo (available from
  • Dark green sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo (available from
  • Dark grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress. 
  • Green gingham summer dress/dark grey shorts for summer.
  • Sensible, weather appropriate black shoes (not trainers) for outdoor wear. This includes for play on the field in Winter months.
  • Plain black plimsolls for indoor wear
  • Grey tights or socks in winter.  White socks may be worn in the summer.
  • Long hair should be tied back.

All T-shirts and sweatshirts must bear the school logo. 

Additional items such as book bags and water bottles are available from MyClothing but not compulsory.


PE kit should be worn on your child's allocated P.E days. Please check the Class Letter to find out which days those fall on. Only 1 kit is required for your child.

  • Dark green round-necked t-shirt with school logo (available from
  • Black shorts 
  • Black trainers
  • Black jogging top (zip-up) and bottoms (for outside games)


Year 5 and 6 swim on a rota system throughout the academic year. You will be advised in writing when it is your child’s turn to swim.

  • swimsuit or trunks 
  • towel 
  • swim hat

NB: Unfortunately, due to the venue policy any child without a hat will not be permitted to swim.


The wearing of jewellery, apart from watches, is not permitted in school. If a child has pierced ears then, in the interests of safety, studs only must be worn. These must be removed or taped over for PE and games lessons.


Badged school uniform (T-Shirts and Sweatshirts) is available to purchase online from MyClothing ( Search for South Moreton School from their homepage and the available items will be shown, with the remainder of items being available in local shops and supermarkets. We have plenty of good-quality, second-hand uniform available - please email the School Office to enquire.